What’s your position? your definition? No matter your questions say yes or no!
We forbid your omission, a new war will come to leave the breakdown our weapons
need your vote condemnation for who’s don’t support us in our hypocrit truth
absolutely supreme you should accept our conditions
Os EUA por várias décadas vêem esmagando e explorando o terceiro mundo
deliberadamente, e estão envolvidos em uma série de atrocidades
Atentados políticos, embargos econômicos, intervencionismo, uniteralismo em
questões globais, ataques terroristas internacionais, portando-se radicalmente
como grupos fundamentalistas
I just want your permission to bring my revenge
So give me your badge or no… let’s create our links and enemies
O fundamentalismo americano é a grande fonte responsável pelo terrorismo na
One more great imperial game we’ll play. trust in my truism! fuck the rejections
Hidding intentions about world instructions you can’t be neutral, less or more,
let’s fight together against the axies of evil
History made by greed, hypocrite democracy, imperealist hegemony
Перевод песни Neutral
What's your position? your definition? No matter your questions say yes or no!
We forbid your omission, a new war will come to leave the breakdown our weapons
need your vote for condemnation who's don't support us in our truth hypocrit
absolutely supreme you should accept our conditions
США в течение нескольких десятилетий видят дробления и изучение третьего мира
сознательно, и участвуют в серии злодеяний
Теракты, политических, экономических эмбарго, интервенционизма, uniteralismo в
глобальные проблемы, атаки международных террористов, поэтому-если радикально
как группы фундаменталистов
I just want your permission to bring my revenge
So give me your badge or в... let's create our links and enemies
В фундаментализм американский большой фонтан ответственности за терроризм в
One more great imperial game we'll play. trust in my truism! fuck the rejections
Hidding intentions about world instructions, you can't be neutral, less or more,
let's fight together against the axies of evil
History made by greed, hypocrite democracy, imperealist родного сына темного лорда
TanyaRADA пишет:
- спасибо! От Души!!! ( Улыбаюсь...)все так!!!Liza пишет:
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